Helen at the Mountain
Organized by Anne Eastman
August 26th – September 15th, 2018
Hours: Fri-Sun 12pm – 6pm, and by appointment
Location: Tetsuo’s Garage
8-10 Yasukawa, Nikko, Japan
Opening Reception August 26th, 3pm – 6pm
企画 アン・イーストマン
会期 平成30年8月26日(日) – 9月15日(土)
時間 12:00 – 18:00
会場 てつおのガレージ
オープニング レセプション 8月26日(日)15:00 – 18:00
Suzanne McClelland | Zon Ito
スーザン•マクレランド | 伊藤存
Vibeke Tandberg | Michael Smith
ヴィベケ• タンベルグ | マイケル• スミス
Ryoko Aoki | Sanya Kantarovsky
青木陵子 | サーニャ• カンタロフスキー
Amy Yao | Chihiro Mori
エイミー•ヤオ | 森千裕
Atsushi Nishijima | Takao Minami
ニシジマ•アツシ | 南隆雄
Michel Auder | Bunta Hasegawa
ミシェル•アディア | 長谷川文太
Kazuaki Yamane | Reiko Morisaki
山根一晃 | 森崎礼子
Liz Magic Laser | Ichiro Mishima
リズ •マジック•レイザー | 三嶋一路
Yuuki Horiuchi | Shizuka Okada
堀内悠希 | 岡田理
この展覧会helen at the mountainは遠足のアイデアを使い、参加アーティストは 幾つかの理由と自然な流れによって二人一組に組まれ, 私たちを連れていきます。
タイトルで示されるヘレンとはヘレンケラーのことであり、彼女は同伴者のポーリー・ トンプソンと1936年の7月の3日間を日光で過ごしました。
この展覧会に参加するアーティストは、日光やTV Mountain School などのトレッドソン別邸プロジェクトとの関わりがあった人達、または今後レジデンシーアーティストとして日光に滞在する人達です。
本展 は、トレッドソン別邸が企画する、てつおのガラージでの二回目の展覧会です。東照宮からさほど離れていない安川町のこの建物は、倉庫でも画廊でもなく昔は薬局として使われていました。
This show takes the form of an excursion in which the participants proceed as companions, pairing up naturally for one reason or another, transporting us along with them. Helen in the title could refer to Helen Keller who came to Nikko with her companion Polly Thompson for three days in July, 1936.
Artists often work alone in a universe of their own making, developing an idiosyncratic language or lexicon. When their artworks encounter another’s, languages mingle. Translation, even loose or partial, could reveal a new world.
The artists included in this exhibition also share a connection to Nikko and Troedsson Villa. Some will stay for the residency this year and others have participated in events organized by Troedsson Villa such as TV Mountain School.
‘helen at the mountain’ will be the second exhibition organized by Troedsson Villa at Testuo’s Garage, which is neither a garage nor a gallery, but a building that once housed a Pharmacy, in the area of Yasukawa-cho, not far from Toshogu Shrine.
Special thanks to Statements, Taka Ishii Gallery, Take Ninagawa Gallery, TVMS, Tetsuo Mukae, and Sanjoudou.

Helen at the museum

Helen at the museum

Kiss and Cry
2015 single-channel video
13:30 min

Silver lining
2018 Video, Metal structure, LED, Electronic circuit

Colourful Mud (Water Stream of Dam and YAMAMOTOYAMA)
2017 pigment print mounted on panel
Colourful Mud (Cat and Squids)
2017 pigment print mounted on panel

Temps de Parole, 2016
video RT 8min

Katsu-Don, 2018
ceramic, sponge

Buddha statue repair work in progress

Plywood, Kusunoki, Mahavairocana, glass, goishi,
paper, clock, compas, plexiglass, gold leaf, scripture,
SD card

Mine, 2009
single-channel video
22 min

2017 ceramic, pen
star chart(drawing, bird #2)
2018 postcard

night snake gourd flower
2018 ceramic
22×20×17 cm

star chart(drawing, bird #1)
2018 postcard

untitled, 2018
dvd(CRT-television), colored paper
Dimensions variable

ankle, 2018
24×13×24 cm

2018 Monotype
50.3×39.8 cm

Light Symbol #7 (Old Chinese Character)
Engraving in led-light bulb, magnifier
Dimension variable

Takao Minami
Light Symbol #7 (Old Chinese Character) 2017
Engraving in led-light bulb, magnifier
Dimension variable

Sympathetic Wiretap – version of helen at the mountain
piano wire, stone, wood, bolt screw, sound system…etc,
Dimension variable

Runners Up 14-16*
7×4×1/4 each
99 Pieces of sandblasted, fused glass with photo resist

State of the Union 12.5 Trillion Dollars
Pastel, Charcoal, Acrylic on Raw Canvas.

Old Man Driving
MPEG4 digital video, colour, sound.
6:36 min

What Lies Before and Extends Behind is Endless
126.7×88.5 cm
Embroidery on fabric
In Passing, Everything Turns Upside Down
Embroidery on fabric